9/11 Attack Victims with Foreign Nationalities

(my purpose here as names are read in downtown Manhattan today, is to remember not just Americans died on that day. Just found this blog entry and it will correctly show some perspective.. my only reason for showing this today.)
This BLOG is based on my volunteer efforts and lots of personal time, my students\’ and other readers\’ contributions, as well as relevant ELT content I stumble upon in professional circles. I am not receiving any compensation for this BLOG or my other BLOGS, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn publications, even though there are some ads displayed in the reader interface.Some tips for how to navigate this BLOG:1. Find Categories to the lower right. The categories contain many resources2. You can stay updated on what is going on in the BLOG by either one or both of the following ways:a. Follow BLOG BY E-Mailb. Follow BLOG by RSS FEED3. If you look for a topic, use the “SEARCH” feature, type in your search term, and see what comes up4. Find a list of professional organizations and resources in the BLOGROLL5. Administrators, find information in \”Legal/Professional News\”6. Mainstream Teachers, find cultural information about many languages and cultures in many categories. You can find it by using the search featureThis BLOG is not a monologue. I invite you to leave a comment and rating for other readers. It is important to get YOUR feedback so that other educators can easier assess how useful a posting is. Remember when you shop, and you look for reviews? Same idea!Even better, leave additional resources, lesson plans, or ideas on the BLOG; just click \”leave a comment\”.Most of all, have fun, enjoy the resources, and try out some new things,Dr. Christel Broady


Source: 9/11 Attack Victims with Foreign Nationalities


From my GoodReads page..

Thomas Frank, author of ‘What’s the Matter with Kansas?”
Newer, better book, ‘….indicting the DNS, the Clintons, the Democratic party, current…and the entire Neo Liberal way of life.. so to speak..

One of the quotes….”“When the left party in a system severs its bonds to working people—when it dedicates itself to the concerns of a particular slice of high-achieving affluent people—issues of work and income inequality will inevitably fade from its list of concerns.” ….